Release 4

Orders and Observations Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeSecurity Category: Patient Compartments: Device, Encounter, Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson

This table lists profiles and extensions for the Observation resource. For background information, see Profiling Resources and Extensibility. Additional profiles and extensions may be found in published Implementation Guides , or in the Conformance resource registry .

BMI Defines constraints and extensions on the Observation resource for use in querying and retrieving the vital sign body mass index. observation-bmi
BP Defines constraints and extensions on the Observation resource for use in querying and retrieving the vital sign blood pressure. observation-bp
BodyHeight Defines constraints and extensions on the Observation resource for use in querying and retrieving the vital sign body height. observation-bodyheight
BodyTemp Defines constraints and extensions on the Observation resource for use in querying and retrieving the vital sign body temperature. observation-bodytemp
BodyWeight Defines constraints and extensions on the Observation resource for use in querying and retrieving the vital sign body weight. observation-bodyweight
DeviceMetricObservation This profile describes the direct or derived, qualitative or quantitative physiological measurement, setting, or calculation data produced by a medical device or a device component. Device Metric Observation Profile
HeadCircum Defines constraints and extensions on the Observation resource for use in querying and retrieving the vital sign head circumference. observation-headcircum
HeartRate Defines constraints and extensions on the Observation resource for use in querying and retrieving the vital sign heart rate. observation-heartrate
Observation-Genetics Describes how the observation resource is used to report structured genetic test results Observation-genetics
OxygenSat Defines constraints and extensions on the Observation resource for use in querying and retrieving the vital sign oxygen saturation. observation-oxygensat
RespRate Defines constraints and extensions on the Observation resource for use in querying and retrieving the vital sign respiratory rate. observation-resprate
VitalSigns Defines constraints and extensions on the Observation resource for use in querying and retrieving Vital Signs information. observation-vitalsigns
VitalsPanel Defines constraints and extensions on the Observation resource for use in querying and retrieving the vital signs panel. observation-vitalspanel
diagnosticReport-risk Observation risk for DiagnosticReport HL7 Extensions
event-eventHistory Observation eventHistory for Event Pattern HL7 Extensions
event-location Observation location for Event Pattern HL7 Extensions
event-performerFunction Observation.performer performerFunction for Event Pattern HL7 Extensions
event-statusReason Observation statusReason for Event Pattern HL7 Extensions
observation-bodyPosition Observation bodyPosition for Observation HL7 Extensions
observation-delta Observation delta for Observation HL7 Extensions
observation-deviceCode Observation deviceCode for Observation HL7 Extensions
observation-focusCode Observation focusCode for Observation HL7 Extensions
observation-gatewayDevice Observation gatewayDevice for Observation HL7 Extensions
observation-geneticsAllele Observation Allele for Observation-genetics
observation-geneticsAminoAcidChange Observation AminoAcidChange for Observation-genetics
observation-geneticsAncestry Observation Ancestry for Observation-genetics
observation-geneticsCopyNumberEvent Observation CopyNumberEvent for Observation-genetics
observation-geneticsDNARegionName Observation DNARegionName for Observation-genetics
observation-geneticsGene Observation Gene for Observation-genetics
observation-geneticsGenomicSourceClass Observation GenomicSourceClass for Observation-genetics
observation-geneticsInterpretation Observation Interpretation for Observation-genetics
observation-geneticsPhaseSet Observation PhaseSet for Observation-genetics
observation-geneticsVariant Observation Variant for Observation-genetics
observation-precondition Observation precondition for Observation HL7 Extensions
observation-reagent Observation reagent for Observation HL7 Extensions
observation-replaces Observation replaces for Observation HL7 Extensions
observation-secondaryFinding Observation secondaryFinding for Observation HL7 Extensions
observation-sequelTo Observation sequelTo for Observation HL7 Extensions
observation-specimenCode Observation specimenCode for Observation HL7 Extensions
observation-timeOffset Observation.component timeOffset for Observation HL7 Extensions
workflow-episodeOfCare Observation episodeOfCare for Workflow Pattern HL7 Extensions
workflow-instantiatesCanonical Observation instantiatesCanonical for Workflow Pattern HL7 Extensions
workflow-instantiatesUri Observation instantiatesUri for Workflow Pattern HL7 Extensions
workflow-reasonCode Observation reasonCode for Workflow Pattern HL7 Extensions
workflow-reasonReference Observation reasonReference for Workflow Pattern HL7 Extensions
workflow-relatedArtifact Observation relatedArtifact for Workflow Pattern HL7 Extensions
workflow-researchStudy Observation researchStudy for Workflow Pattern HL7 Extensions
workflow-supportingInfo Observation supportingInfo for Workflow Pattern HL7 Extensions
Extensions for all resources or elements
resource-pertainsToGoal pertainsToGoal for Resource HL7 Extensions

Extensions that reference this resource:

family-member-history-genetics-observation observation for Family member history for genetics analysis
observation-geneticsInterpretation Interpretation for Observation-genetics
observation-precondition precondition for Observation HL7 Extensions
observation-replaces replaces for Observation HL7 Extensions
observation-sequelTo sequelTo for Observation HL7 Extensions
openEHR-test test for openEHR Archetype Profile
procedure-causedBy causedBy for Procedure HL7 Extensions
servicerequest-geneticsItem Item for ServiceRequest-Genetics
workflow-reasonReference reasonReference for Workflow Pattern HL7 Extensions
Extensions that refer to Any resource
cqf-relativeDateTime relativeDateTime for Clinical Reasoning Extensions
event-basedOn basedOn for Event Pattern HL7 Extensions
event-partOf partOf for Event Pattern HL7 Extensions
flag-detail detail for Flag HL7 Extensions
relative-date Relative Date Criteria for General Extensions for use by FHIR Implementers
replaces replaces for General Extensions for use by FHIR Implementers
request-replaces replaces for Request Pattern HL7 Extensions
workflow-supportingInfo supportingInfo for Workflow Pattern HL7 Extensions
amino-acid-changestringHGVS Protein Change
Expression: Observation.extension('')
dna-variantstringHGVS DNA variant
Expression: Observation.extension('')
gene-amino-acid-changestringHGNC gene symbol and HGVS Protein change
Expression: Observation.extension('')
gene-dnavariantstringHGNC gene symbol and HGVS DNA Variant
Expression: Observation.extension('')
gene-identifiertokenHGNC gene symbol and identifier
Expression: Observation.extension('')