Release 4

Imaging Integration Work GroupMaturity Level: 3 Trial Use Compartments: Patient

Dependency Graph for ImagingStudy FMM level 3

NameCard.TypeDependency Analysis
.. ImagingStudy DomainResource
... identifier 0..*Identifier
... status 1..1code
... modality 0..*CodingBinding Error: Unable to resolve vs '' to check dependencies
... subject 1..1Reference(Patient | Device | Group)Type Warning: (Device = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (Group = FMM1-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
... encounter 0..1Reference(Encounter)Type Warning: (Encounter = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
... started 0..1dateTime
... basedOn 0..*Reference(CarePlan | ServiceRequest | Appointment | AppointmentResponse | Task)Type Warning: (CarePlan = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (ServiceRequest = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (Task = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
... referrer 0..1Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole)Type Warning: (PractitionerRole = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
... interpreter 0..*Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole)Type Warning: (PractitionerRole = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
... endpoint 0..*Reference(Endpoint)Type Warning: (Endpoint = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
... numberOfSeries 0..1unsignedInt
... numberOfInstances 0..1unsignedInt
... procedureReference 0..1Reference(Procedure)
... procedureCode 0..*CodeableConceptBinding Error: Unable to resolve vs '' to check dependencies
... location 0..1Reference(Location)
... reasonCode 0..*CodeableConcept
... reasonReference 0..*Reference(Condition | Observation | Media | DiagnosticReport | DocumentReference)Type Warning: (Media = FMM1-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
... note 0..*Annotation
... description 0..1string
... series 0..*BackboneElement
.... uid 1..1id
.... number 0..1unsignedInt
.... modality 1..1CodingBinding Error: Unable to resolve vs '' to check dependencies
.... description 0..1string
.... numberOfInstances 0..1unsignedInt
.... endpoint 0..*Reference(Endpoint)Type Warning: (Endpoint = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
.... bodySite 0..1Coding
.... laterality 0..1Coding
.... specimen 0..*Reference(Specimen)Type Warning: (Specimen = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
.... started 0..1dateTime
.... performer 0..*BackboneElement
..... function 0..1CodeableConcept
..... actor 1..1Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson)Type Warning: (PractitionerRole = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (CareTeam = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (Device = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (RelatedPerson = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM3-Trial Use)
.... instance 0..*BackboneElement
..... uid 1..1id
..... sopClass 1..1CodingBinding Error: Unable to resolve vs '' to check dependencies
..... number 0..1unsignedInt
..... title 0..1string