Release 4


Patient Administration Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeCompartments: Practitioner

Raw XML (canonical form + also see XML Format Specification)

Jump past Narrative

Fictive Physiotherapist (id = "f203")

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Practitioner xmlns="">
  <id value="f203"/> 
 <text> <status value="generated"/> <div xmlns=""><p> <b> Generated Narrative with Details</b> </p> <p> <b> id</b> : f203</p> <p> <b> identifier</b> : UZI-nummer = 12345678903 (OFFICIAL), BIG-nummer = 12345678903 (OFFICIAL)</p> <p> <b> active</b> : true</p> <p> <b> name</b> : Juri van Gelder(OFFICIAL)</p> <p> <b> telecom</b> : ph: +31715269111(WORK)</p> <p> <b> address</b> : Walvisbaai 3 Den helder 2333ZA NLD (WORK)</p> <p> <b> gender</b> : male</p> <p> <b> birthDate</b> : Apr 20, 1983</p> </div> </text> <identifier> <!--   The identifier for the person as this practitioner (fictive)   -->
    <use value="official"/> 
        <type> <text value="UZI-nummer"/> </type> 
        <system value="urn:oid:2.16.528.1.1007.3.1"/> 
    <value value="12345678903"/> 
    <identifier> <!--   The identifier for this individual   -->
        <use value="official"/> 
        <type> <text value="BIG-nummer"/> </type> 
        <system value=""/> 
        <value value="12345678903"/> 
  <active value="true"/> 
  <name> <!--   The name of the practitioner   -->
        <use value="official"/> 
        <text value="Juri van Gelder"/> 
    <telecom> <!--   A contact detail for the individual   -->
        <system value="phone"/> 
        <value value="+31715269111"/> 
        <use value="work"/> 
    <address> <!--   Work address for the individual   -->
        <use value="work"/> 
        <line value="Walvisbaai 3"/>     
        <city value="Den helder"/> 
        <postalCode value="2333ZA"/> 
        <country value="NLD"/> <!--   ISO 3166 3 letter code   -->
    <gender value="male"/> <!--   The practitioner's administrative gender   -->
    <birthDate value="1983-04-20"/> 
<!--       <photo>    
        <reference value="Media/JvG-203.bmp"/>
        <display value="Picture_Juri_van_Gelder"/>
    </photo>   -->

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.