Release 4

Security Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeSecurity Category: Not Classified Compartments: Device, Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson

R3 : R4 Conversion maps for Provenance.

Functional status for this map: 5 tests that all execute ok. All tests pass round-trip testing and 2 r3 resources are invalid (0 errors). (see documentation)

map "" = "R3 to R4 Conversions for Provenance"

uses "" alias ProvenanceR3 as source
uses "" alias Provenance as target

imports "*3to4"

group Provenance(source src : ProvenanceR3, target tgt : Provenance) extends DomainResource <<type+>> { ->;
  src.period as vs0 -> tgt.occurred = create('Period') as vt0 then Period(vs0, vt0);
  src.recorded -> tgt.recorded;
  src.policy -> tgt.policy;
  src.location -> tgt.location;
  src.reason -> tgt.reason;
  src.activity -> tgt.activity;
  src.agent as vs0 -> tgt.agent as vt0 then agent(vs0, vt0);
  src.entity as vs0 -> tgt.entity as vt0 then entity(vs0, vt0);
  src.signature -> tgt.signature;

group agent(source src : ProvenanceR3, target tgt : Provenance) extends BackboneElement {
  src.role -> tgt.role;
  src.who : uri as vs ->  tgt.who as ref,  ref.reference = vs,  ref.extension as ext,  ext.url = '',  ext.value = 'uri';
  src.who : Reference as vs0 -> tgt.who as vt0 then Reference(vs0, vt0);
  src.onBehalfOf : uri as vs ->  tgt.onBehalfOf as ref,  ref.reference = vs,  ref.extension as ext,  ext.url = '',  ext.value = 'uri';
  src.onBehalfOf : Reference as vs0 -> tgt.onBehalfOf as vt0 then reference(vs0, vt0);
  src.relatedAgentType -> tgt.type;

group entity(source src : ProvenanceR3, target tgt : Provenance) extends BackboneElement {
  src.role -> tgt.role;
  src.what : uri as vs ->  tgt.what as ref,  ref.reference = vs,  ref.extension as ext,  ext.url = '',  ext.value = 'uri';
  src.what : Reference as vs0 -> tgt.what as vt0 then Reference(vs0, vt0);
  src.what : Identifier as vs0 -> tgt.what as vt0 then Identifier2Reference(vs0, vt0);
  src.agent as vs0 -> tgt.agent as vt0 then agent(vs0, vt0);

map "" = "R4 to R3 Conversion for Provenance"

uses "" alias Provenance as source
uses "" alias ProvenanceR3 as target

imports "*4to3"

group Provenance(source src : Provenance, target tgt : ProvenanceR3) extends DomainResource <<type+>> { ->;
  src.occurred : Period as vs0 -> tgt.period as vt0 then Period(vs0, vt0) "period";
  src.occurred : dateTime as vs0 ->  tgt.period as vt0,  vt0.start = vs0,  vt0.end = vs0 "period";
  src.recorded -> tgt.recorded;
  src.policy -> tgt.policy;
  src.location -> tgt.location;
  src.reason -> tgt.reason;
  src.activity -> tgt.activity;
  src.agent as vs0 -> tgt.agent as vt0 then agent(vs0, vt0);
  src.entity as vs0 -> tgt.entity as vt0 then entity(vs0, vt0);
  src.signature -> tgt.signature;

group agent(source src : ProvenanceR3, target tgt : Provenance) extends BackboneElement {
  src.role -> tgt.role;
  src.who as vs0 where extension('').empty() -> tgt.who = create('Reference') as vt0 then Reference(vs0, vt0);
  src.who as vs0 where extension('').exists() -> tgt.who = create('uri') as vt0 then {
    vs0.reference as vs1 then uri(vs1, vt0);
  src.onBehalfOf as vs0 where extension('').empty() -> tgt.onBehalfOf = create('Reference') as vt0 then Reference(vs0, vt0);
  src.onBehalfOf as vs0 where extension('').exists() -> tgt.onBehalfOf = create('uri') as vt0 then {
    vs0.reference as vs1 then uri(vs1, vt0);
  src.type -> tgt.relatedAgentType;

group entity(source src : ProvenanceR3, target tgt : Provenance) extends BackboneElement {
  src.role -> tgt.role;
  src.what as vs0 where extension('').empty() and identifier.empty() -> tgt.what = create('Reference') as vt0 then Reference(vs0, vt0);
  src.what as vs0 where extension('').exists() -> tgt.what = create('uri') as vt0 then {
    vs0.reference as vs1 then uri(vs1, vt0);
  src.what as vs0 where identifier.exists() -> tgt.what = create('Identifier') as vt0 then Reference2Identifier(vs0, vt0);
  src.agent as vs0 -> tgt.agent as vt0 then agent(vs0, vt0);

<p>No validation errors - all conversions are clean</p>