Release 4 HL7 Version 2 Table 0242

Vocabulary Work Group Maturity Level: N/AExternal Use Context: Any

This is a table defined as part of HL7 v2 .


Code System URL:
Value Set URL:
Title:v2 Primary Observer's Qualification

FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0242 ( Primary Observer's Qualification)

CodeSystem ResourceXML / JSON
ValueSet ResourceXML / JSON

Note: V2 code systems may or may not be case sensitive. V2 Code systems will have the CodeSystem.caseSensitive correctly populated in a future version of this specification.

This value set is not currently used

This code system defines the following codes:

C en: Health care consumer/patient
nl: Zorgconsument/patiënt
added v2.3
H en: Other health professional
nl: Andere zorgprofessional
added v2.3
L en: Lawyer/attorney
nl: Advocaat/aanklager
added v2.3
M en: Mid-level professional (nurse, nurse practitioner, physician's assistant)
nl: Mid-level professional (verpleegkundige, nurse practitioner, arts-assistent)
added v2.3
O en: Other non-health professional
nl: Andere niet-zorg professional
added v2.3
P en: Physician (osteopath, homeopath)
nl: Zorgverlener (osteopaat, homeopaat)
added v2.3
R en: Pharmacist
nl: Apotheker
added v2.3

This code system defines the following codes:

C Health care consumer/patientadded v2.3
H Other health professionaladded v2.3
L Lawyer/attorneyadded v2.3
M Mid-level professional (nurse, nurse practitioner, physician's assistant)added v2.3
O Other non-health professionaladded v2.3
P Physician (osteopath, homeopath)added v2.3
R Pharmacistadded v2.3

Dit code systeem definieert de volgende codes:

C Zorgconsument/patiëntadded v2.3
H Andere zorgprofessionaladded v2.3
L Advocaat/aanklageradded v2.3
M Mid-level professional (verpleegkundige, nurse practitioner, arts-assistent)added v2.3
O Andere niet-zorg professionaladded v2.3
P Zorgverlener (osteopaat, homeopaat)added v2.3
R Apothekeradded v2.3