Release 4 HL7 Version 2 Table 0265

Vocabulary Work Group Maturity Level: N/AExternal Use Context: Any

This is a table defined as part of HL7 v2 .


Code System URL:
Value Set URL:
Title:v2 Specialty Type

FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0265 ( Specialty Type)

CodeSystem ResourceXML / JSON
ValueSet ResourceXML / JSON

Note: V2 code systems may or may not be case sensitive. V2 Code systems will have the CodeSystem.caseSensitive correctly populated in a future version of this specification.

This value set is not currently used

This code system defines the following codes:

ALC en: Allergy
nl: Allergie
added v2.3
AMB en: Ambulatory
nl: Dagbehandeling
added v2.3
CAN en: Cancer
nl: Kanker
added v2.3
CAR en: Coronary/cardiac care
nl: Cornaire/hartzorg
added v2.3
CCR en: Critical care
nl: Kritieke zorg
added v2.3
CHI en: Chiropractic
nl: Chiropractisch
added v2.3
EDI en: Education
nl: Onderwijs
added v2.3
EMR en: Emergency
nl: Spoed
added v2.3
FPC en: Family planning
nl: Gezinsplanning
added v2.3
INT en: Intensive care
nl: Intensieve care
added v2.3
ISO en: Isolation
nl: Isolatie
added v2.3
NAT en: Naturopathic
nl: Natuurgeneeskundig
added v2.3
NBI en: Newborn, nursery, infants
nl: Nieuwgeborene, kinderkamer, zuigelingen
added v2.3
OBG en: Obstetrics, gynecology
nl: Obstetrie, gynaecologie
added v2.3
OBS en: Observation
nl: Observaties
added v2.3
OTH en: Other specialty
nl: Ander specialisme
added v2.3
PED en: Pediatrics
nl: Pediatrie
added v2.3
PHY en: General/family practice
nl: Algemeen/gezinspraktijk
added v2.3
PIN en: Pediatric/neonatal intensive care
nl: Pediatrie/neonatale intensive care
added v2.3
PPS en: Pediatric psychiatric
nl: Psychiatrische pediatrie
added v2.3
PRE en: Pediatric rehabilitation
nl: Pediatrische revalidatie
added v2.3
PSI en: Psychiatric intensive care
nl: Psychiatrische intensive care
added v2.3
PSY en: Psychiatric
nl: Psychiatrisch
added v2.3
REH en: Rehabilitation
nl: Revalidatie
added v2.3
SUR en: Surgery
nl: Chirurgie
added v2.3
WIC en: Walk-in clinic
nl: Inloopkliniek
added v2.3

This code system defines the following codes:

ALC Allergyadded v2.3
AMB Ambulatoryadded v2.3
CAN Canceradded v2.3
CAR Coronary/cardiac careadded v2.3
CCR Critical careadded v2.3
CHI Chiropracticadded v2.3
EDI Educationadded v2.3
EMR Emergencyadded v2.3
FPC Family planningadded v2.3
INT Intensive careadded v2.3
ISO Isolationadded v2.3
NAT Naturopathicadded v2.3
NBI Newborn, nursery, infantsadded v2.3
OBG Obstetrics, gynecologyadded v2.3
OBS Observationadded v2.3
OTH Other specialtyadded v2.3
PED Pediatricsadded v2.3
PHY General/family practiceadded v2.3
PIN Pediatric/neonatal intensive careadded v2.3
PPS Pediatric psychiatricadded v2.3
PRE Pediatric rehabilitationadded v2.3
PSI Psychiatric intensive careadded v2.3
PSY Psychiatricadded v2.3
REH Rehabilitationadded v2.3
SUR Surgeryadded v2.3
WIC Walk-in clinicadded v2.3

Dit code systeem definieert de volgende codes:

ALC Allergieadded v2.3
AMB Dagbehandelingadded v2.3
CAN Kankeradded v2.3
CAR Cornaire/hartzorgadded v2.3
CCR Kritieke zorgadded v2.3
CHI Chiropractischadded v2.3
EDI Onderwijsadded v2.3
EMR Spoedadded v2.3
FPC Gezinsplanningadded v2.3
INT Intensieve careadded v2.3
ISO Isolatieadded v2.3
NAT Natuurgeneeskundigadded v2.3
NBI Nieuwgeborene, kinderkamer, zuigelingenadded v2.3
OBG Obstetrie, gynaecologieadded v2.3
OBS Observatiesadded v2.3
OTH Ander specialismeadded v2.3
PED Pediatrieadded v2.3
PHY Algemeen/gezinspraktijkadded v2.3
PIN Pediatrie/neonatale intensive careadded v2.3
PPS Psychiatrische pediatrieadded v2.3
PRE Pediatrische revalidatieadded v2.3
PSI Psychiatrische intensive careadded v2.3
PSY Psychiatrischadded v2.3
REH Revalidatieadded v2.3
SUR Chirurgieadded v2.3
WIC Inloopkliniekadded v2.3